Current Seafood from Japan at Sushi Ii


At Sushi Ii, we are proud to offer the freshest seafood flown in daily from Japan. Take a look at some of the exquisite seafood selections we’re currently sourcing and their places of origin:

Bonito (Katsuo) from Kagoshima

Wild Yellowtail (Buri) from Kyoto

Jack Mackerel (Tsuri-Aji) from Shimane

Striped Jack (Shima Aji) from Ehime

Sea Bream (Miyabi Dai) from Ehime

Cuttlefish (Sumi-Ika) from Chiba

Goosefish Liver (Ankimo) from Hokkaido

Scallop (Hotate) from Miyagi

Sea Urchin (Uni) from Hokkaido

Conger Eel (Anago) from Nagasaki

Whelk (Tsubugai) from Hokkaido

Squid (Hotaruika) from Toyama

Salmon from Aomori

Prawns from Okinawa

Blood Clams (Akagai) from Osaka

Each of these seasonal seafood treasures reflects the rich marine environments of their regions of origin.

Misaki Chaidez